You’re more than a student.
We’re more than a school.
Without Stress
At Chicago Waldorf High School, we want you to thrive inside and outside of the classroom. Our honors-level classes, service learning trips, and international exchange programs are designed to help you discover who you are, what you love, and where you excel, so that you’re always ready for what’s next, no matter what it is.

Classes like Revolutions and History Through Architecture present a fresh and complex take on global history, while Geophysiology, Thermal Physics, and Marine Biology offer an exciting glimpse into the workings of our planet. Stone Carving, Landscape Painting, and Metalwork give you the chance to explore new modes of artistic expression, while our robust Drama program teaches collaboration, imaginative thinking, and confidence. Our German and Spanish courses intersect with an International Exchange program, so that you can practice your language skills where it really matters. Premutations and Combinations and Economics provide a practical application for your math education, building on foundational classes like Algebra, Calculus, and Projective Geometry. History Through Music, Comedy and Tragedy, and Russian Literature are highlights of an extensive Humanities curriculum that introduces you to the global literary and artistic movements that shaped our world.
Academic Excellence
Life at CWHS
School and boredom shouldn’t mix. At CWHS, there’s always something to do and a new path to explore.
With International Exchange,
the world is your classroom
As part of the extensive global network of Waldorf schools we offer unique opportunities for cultural exchange. Our International Exchange Program places our High School students in Waldorf schools across the world, while the faculty welcomes language exchange students and international students to visit and enroll in our school. In the past we have had exchanges with students in Colombia, Chile, Austria, Switzerland, Korea, Brazil, Germany, Argentina, Kyrgyzstan, France, and Peru, among others.

Shouldn’t your tuition be different, too?
With Family Individualized Tuition, we want to help ensure that cost is not a barrier to enrollment.